Pharmaceutical ovarian stimulation and natural intercourse
With the use of medicinal substances that stimulate the ovaries (pills or injections) and intensive ultrasound monitoring in the clinic, as well as hormonal control from the blood, we enhance the production of eggs in this menstrual cycle and inform the couple about the appropriate hours and days for physical contacts at home. Suitable method for couples with unexplained infertility who have not tried for many years and without advanced age of the woman. It is a first-line method for couples who do not want to proceed immediately with insemination or IVF.
2. Insemination
With or without pharmaceutical stimulation of the ovaries, on the day and time of ovulation with a single injection, the sperm is injected, after treatment and enrichment, with a special catheter through the cervix into the endometrial cavity. Recommended in couples with mildly low sperm motility or as a second-line method in couples with unexplained infertility. Insemination is performed in the clinic, it takes 5-10 minutes without anesthesia of the woman.
3. In vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI)
With a natural cycle and using the one follicle that the woman produces every month or with the use of injectable hormones we stimulate the ovaries to produce mature eggs. The use of the appropriate stimulation protocol as well as the dosage of hormones is individualized based on the ultrasound findings and the hormonal profile of each woman. With systematic ultrasound and hormonal control every 2-3 days, the day and time for egg retrieval is determined.
Ovulation is performed in the clinic by puncturing the ovaries from the vagina with simultaneous ultrasound monitoring and with the woman under general anesthesia, a procedure that takes 10-15 minutes. The eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory and the fertilized embryos are incubated in an oven. Every 24 hours, the embryos are evaluated, scoring them based on their morphology and growth rate, and the best ones are selected to be transferred to the intrauterine cavity.
The choice of transfer day (2nd, 3rd or 5th blastocyst stage) depends on many factors both on the development of the embryos and on the history of previous IVF attempts of the couple. Embryo transfer is performed in the clinic without anesthesia, where with a thin catheter through the cervix the embryos are placed in the endometrial cavity along with nutrient material.
The endometrium is then hormonally supported with hormone tablets and without further monitoring a blood pregnancy test is performed. IVF is the name of the process in which the egg is fertilized by the sperm in the laboratory, while when there are problems with sperm motility, we choose the technique of intracytoplasmic injection of the sperm - ICSI, in which the sperm after processing is placed inside the ovum.
A technique that biopsies a single cell from the fertilized embryos, analyzes the chromosomes and excludes chromosomal abnormalities of the embryos before they are placed in the uterus.