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One-stop clinic

One-stop clinic means diagnosis in just one office visit!

This   is achieved by having high technology inside the practice such as:

High definitionultrasound device(3D/4D)

Diagnosticflexible hysteroscopefor the investigation of the endometrial cavity (Hysteroscopy)

Colposcopeto investigate the pathology of the cervix

Electrodiathermy systemwith which cauterization of warts can be done as well as LLETZ-loop of the cervix with local anesthesia.

Endometrial biopsy in the office using a catheterpipelle (pipelle sampling) for the investigation of uterine bleeding and endometrial hyperplasia mainly in postmenopausal women.

© Dr Anastasios Makedos MD, MSc, Phd, DFSRH

3 Patriarchou Ioakim street, 54622, Thessaloniki, Greece

43 Egeou street, 15233, Chalandri, Greece

+30 2310220490


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